Matcha redbean bun – 3 ways (vegan friendly)

Oh the red bean bun something so simple and delicious at the same time. Red bean buns almost give me a feeling of nostalgia since I ate them so often as a child for breakfast, lunch and even as a snack. I think they’re amazing since they are almost a dessert bread since it has such a sweet filling on the inside. Anyways, I was inclined to make these because a few days ago, I made a steamed red bean bun with mother deer and we still had some anko (red bean) paste left over so I figured why not make these little fellows. We made some buns and we made some that were swirled, it’s up to you which you prefer to make (the buns are MUCH easier though).


Ingredients (makes 10):

1 3/4 cups bread flour
1 tablespoon matcha (optional)
2 teaspoon yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup warm water
1/3 cup warm soy milk
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2/3 cup red bean paste
2 teaspoons sesame seeds

Bake away:

1. Combine the warm water, milk, 1 teaspoon of sugar and yeast in a medium bowl and let it sit for 5 minutes until foamy. Then, sift the flour, rest of the sugar and salt together in a large bowl. IMG-20140202-03735 2. Add the yeast mixture, matcha and oil into the flour and stir everything together with a fork until a dough forms. IMG-20140202-03736 3. Knead the dough for 20 to 30 minutes until it becomes elastic. Transfer the dough into a bowl and cover it with a tea towel. Let your dough rise for 45 minutes – 1 hour in a warm place until doubled. IMG-20140202-03737 4. While your dough is rising, separate your red bean paste into ten 2 teaspoon pieces. When your dough is done rising, divide it into 1o equal pieces and roll them into balls. 5. Flatten each dough ball into 1 cm thick circles. Place a piece of the red bean paste into the middle of each piece of dough. Fold the dough over the red bean paste to cover it then seal the red bean paste in by folding the edges of the circle into the center and pinch to form a tight seam. IMG-20140203-03741 6. FOR THE BASIC BUN: stop here. IMG-20140203-03742 7. FOR THE FLOWERS: Roll out the bun into a flatter circle then with scissors, make five deep cuts all the way down around the dough. IMG-20140203-03744 8. FOR THE ROLLS: Roll out the now filled buns into a long oval then using a knife, make a few cuts into the oval revealing the red bean filling but not hard enough to cut through to the other side. When you’re done, flip the oval over and roll it to form a log and pinch the edges to seal. IMG-20140203-03743 9. Place each dough ball 2″ apart on a lined baking sheet. Sprinkle some sesame seeds on the center of each bun and press them gently so that they stay on. Bake the buns at 350F for 20 minutes until golden brown. IMG-20140203-03745 10. Munch!


I don’t even think I have words that can describe such a delicious little bun, they were just that scrumptious. So I think I’m going to leave it with few words to end because I better get back to eating my bun before someone steals it off my plate! I mean we (unfortunately) only made ten of them!


  1. […] posted a recipe on red bean buns before but I used a matcha based dough for it (find it here) and I figured that I should post a recipe for the original version as […]


  2. […] as much as I love my matcha white chocolate cookies, matcha chia pudding, matcha redbean rolls, and matcha redbean buns, I was just in the mood for something new this time around…which meant it was off to the […]


  3. […] with matcha glaze, matcha white chocolate cookies, matcha chia pudding, matcha redbean rolls, and matcha redbean buns). I was debating between trying the vanilla matcha and the mint matcha but the girl working there […]


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