Homemade carmel corn

I don’t know about you but I go through these bouts where I’m obsessed with certain snacks and lately it’s been popcorn. This all started because one raincouver day lead to a movie day in with lil’ bun and you definitely can’t watch a movie without popcorn right? Unlike the majority of the population the two of us aren’t a fan of butter popcorn so we decided to make a batch of caramel corn instead…and thus, my popcorn snacking addiction began…



4 cups of popcorn
1/3 cup coconut oil or butter
3 tablespoons milk of choice
2/3 cup brown sugar

Pop on over to the kitchen.

1. Combine the brown sugar, coconut oil and milk in a sauce pan on medium heat.


2. Boil the caramel for 5 minutes on medium heat until it thickens.


3. Pour the caramel over your popcorn and stir until incorporated. Munch!


As much as I enjoy my caramel corn every once in a while, it’s not the healthiest version of popcorn out there so typically I flavor my plain un-buttered popcorn by sprinkling cinnamon or paprika/chili powder. Lil’ bun thinks I’m super weird for doing so but I like it that way because it gives my popcorn flavor without making it too unhealthy. Plus, it lets me satisfy my need to crunch and munch on things when I’m up late blogging or working without adding on too many excess calories before bed because popcorn is only ~35 calories a cup!

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