Sesame oatmeal

What better way than to start the day off with a nourishing bowl of Sesame oatmeal? The ground black sesame in these oats adds a nice touch of earthiness and nuttiness. Plus sesame is high in manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, fiber and healthy fats!

nourishing sesame oatmeal bowl

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Vancouver is entering it’s rainy and stormy “season” and all I want in the morning is a nice hot bowl of oatmeal to start my day.

sesame oatmeal with oranges

Black sesame dessert soup is one of my favorite Asian desserts because I adore the nuttiness of it but sometimes I find it to be too sweet for my liking so I thought that adding it to my oats would give me a similar sense of satisfaction!

nourishing oatmeal with superfood

Sesame oatmeal bowl 


  • 1/2 cup uncooked quick cooking oats
  • 1 1/2 cup milk of choice
  • 2 – 3 tablespoons ground black sesame
  • optional: toppings you want to add


  1. Pour your milk into a medium pot. Bring your milk to a simmer on medium heat.
  2. Add in your oats and ground black sesame. Reduce heat to simmer. Let the oats cook for 3-5 minutes or until it reaches your desired consistency.
  3. Top with your favorite sweetner, nuts, seeds, and fruit


  1. This is something I want to start my day with. Looks delicious, Cynthia. 🙂


  2. Cynthia, you are a genius! My mom always has ground black sesame on hand for making Taiwanese-style mochi for parties and family get-togethers, and I’ve been curious about what else I can do with it. Your oatmeal idea is genius! I’d add a little honey and maybe a pinch of salt, with sliced banana on top. What kinds of toppings do you usually like?


    1. With my black sesame I like to add more nuts and seeds since I don’t like it with fruit but usually I top my oats with all sorts of fruit!


  3. Mary M. Martinez · · Reply

    LOVE this post! And your pictures are beautiful! I could only imagine how delicious. OMG must make now!


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