Tag Archives: Almonds

maple pecan granola

Basic granola cluster recipe (vegan friendly)

This granola is sweetened with maple syrup and is jam packed with loads of nuts, seeds and dried fruit to help you start your day off right. It’s perfect to have with milk, on top of yogurt or even alone as a healthy crunchy snack to steer away those midnight munchies or afternoon slumps.

chocolate almond cupcakes

Super moist chocolate almond cupcakes (vegan)

These were the MOISTEST, SOFTEST, most AMAZING cupcakes I have ever had in my life. Seriously. And the fact that they were vegan was just icing on the cake.

superfood cookies

Superfood breakfast cookies (vegan friendly)

Hello lovelies, long time no talk! I feel like I haven’t baked in forever because of all the final exams I’ve been writing lately… On the bright side, I’m done writing them all now and that means that it’s finally over! Well, at least for the time being because even though I finished my degree, […]

Homemade chocolates with quinoa and almonds (clean eats/vegan)

Fiesta Friday has been extra fun this week so I decided to bring another treat to share! I mean who doesn’t like chocolate every once in a while? Actually…I would fall under that category because I’m not much of a chocoholic myself but every once in a while when the hormones decide to kick in […]

Spinach salad (clean eats/vegan)

Spinach isn’t just for green juices, spinach-egg-bakes or banana mint chip ice-cream anymore, they’re for salads too! Okay I know a bunch of my clean eats recipes include spinach but I adore it! Spinach is a powerful veggie and they have a milder taste so it’s easy to incorporate into food.I don’t eat red meat […]

Going nuts? Honey roasted almonds!

Snack-ity snack snack time! Lil’ bun and I decided to try to add a bit of flare to our boring old almonds…and we ended up coming across this recipe! Normally we make our roasted almonds with savory spices, but this time, we decided to go sweet. What you’ll need (adapted from Cooks.com) 2 cups almonds […]