Tag Archives: flax

superfood cookies

Superfood breakfast cookies (vegan friendly)

Hello lovelies, long time no talk! I feel like I haven’t baked in forever because of all the final exams I’ve been writing lately… On the bright side, I’m done writing them all now and that means that it’s finally over! Well, at least for the time being because even though I finished my degree, […]

Pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin oats, and chocolate pumpkin breakfast cookies (vegan friendly)

I’m one of those people who LOVES waking up in the morning because I’m a “morning person.” I often get asked how I can possibly so energetic in the morning and well, to tell the truth, it’s because I LOVE me some breakfast! 90% of the time I end up eating a beautiful fruit plate […]

Blueberry bran cake (vegan)

READY FOR SOME BLUEBERRY BRAN GOODNESS?! I absolutely adore blueberries and love to freeze them in the summer time when they’re on sale and in season so I get to have them all year around. Anyways, these are full of fiber-y goodness and are lightly sweetened with brown sugar and blueberries. Ingredients (makes 2 loaves […]

Banana protein flax pancakes (clean eats)

I like my pancakes but what I don’t like is the flour and sugar that comes with it. So instead, I make my gluten free banana protein pancakes for breakfast. They’re absolutely amazing and don’t need any added sugar because there’s already the added sweetness of the banana in it. Plus, they’re loaded with tummy […]