Tag Archives: Loaf

chelsea loaf

Chelsea loaf (fruit and nut loaf)

Do you loaf bread? Because I know I sure do. Especially the kind that’s jam packed full of healthy seeds, nuts and dried fruit.

Hassel back potatoes, sweet potato fries, quinoa chili bowl + pumpkin streusel loaf

A couple of my best friends came over for dinner the other night and here’s what ended up being on the menu! First up was my go-to appetizer dish for ALL dinners I make…roasted sweet potatoes! Usually I like to cut the sweet potatoes into cubes but we wanted them to resemble fries so I […]

carrot cake loaf

Carrot cake loaf

Hello everyone! Are you all ready for Easter? I know I am. I’ve been stalking up on those delicious, irresistible and ever so cute mini eggs all week because they’ve been on sale ❤ And we all know that I am not one to miss out on a good deal especially if it’s chocolate related!

Soft fluffy Asian milk bread

Hello everyone at fiesta friday! Can you believe how amazing this party hall looks? Angie did such a great job don’t you think? Oooo I just can’t wait to get mixin’ and minglin’ over here! Have you ever tried bread from an Asian bakery before? Because it’s texture is unlike most breads out there. In […]

s'mores pull apart loaf

S’mores pull-apart loaf

Hello hello lovelies! I feel like I say this every single time I make bread but…it’s been a while. I wish I didn’t have to say that as often as I do because making bread is one of the best stress relievers in the world. At least that’s how it works for me.

matcha glazed red bean donuts

Adzuki red bean donuts with matcha glaze (vegan friendly)

Ahhh, it’s that time again. Matcha time. Every now and then I go mad for matcha. I need it, I want it, and I crave it in any shape or form. But as much as I love my matcha white chocolate cookies, matcha chia pudding, matcha redbean rolls, and matcha redbean buns, I was just […]

lemon poppy seed loaf

Lemon poppy seed loaf (vegan friendly)

Mother deer loves it when I put poppy seeds in my bakes. That’s why I’ve made quite a few things with the combination in the past…like my poppy seed bagels, vegan poppy seed loaf, and poppy seed pullapart bread.

pecan banana bread

Best healthy banana bread ever (refined sugar free + vegan friendly)

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sink my teeth into a big fat slice of my one true pastry vice. BANANA BREAD. No matter how hard I try to stay away, banana bread gets to me every single time. ESPECIALLY if it’s filled with either chopped walnuts or pecans.

Blooming pizza bread

Mother deer brought home a loaf of sour dough bread the other day and upon seeing this, I realized that I finally had an opportunity to make a loaf of blooming bread! What’s blooming bread? Well, I’m glad you asked! Blooming bread is when you cut a loaf of bread into a grid pattern so […]

Pumpkin cranberry cake

It’s the end of November and here I am, still clenching onto the last few days of Autumn. If it were up to me, it would be pumpkin season all year ’round but I guess making room for peppermint hot chocolate, sugar cookies, and gingerbread isn’t too bad of a trade-off either. But since I […]