Tag Archives: quinoa

Hassel back potatoes, sweet potato fries, quinoa chili bowl + pumpkin streusel loaf

A couple of my best friends came over for dinner the other night and here’s what ended up being on the menu! First up was my go-to appetizer dish for ALL dinners I make…roasted sweet potatoes! Usually I like to cut the sweet potatoes into cubes but we wanted them to resemble fries so I […]

sweet potato pulled pork quinoa shepherd's pie

Sweet potato quinoa shepherd’s pie

I had a whole bowl of leftover mashed sweet potato in my fridge after making a batch of my sweet potato buns and while I could of just eaten such deliciousness as is, I decided that I would do something more inventive with it… by making a healthy version of shepherd’s pie!

Banana quinoa bake (clean eats/gluten-free)

I totally saved the best for last because on this final day of the whole clean eats series…I present to you Banana quinoa protein bake! Well, not that I’m not going to post clean recipes anymore but this post concludes my 30 straight days of clean eat posts. Anyways, I absolutely adore this bake because […]

Omurice (clean eats)

Omurice has got to be one of my favorite Japanese entree style dishes because you get your protein, carbs and veggies all at once! For those who aren’t familiar with the dish, omurice is basically an omelette wrapped around a bed of fried rice! I don’t eat rice very often…which is a little odd for […]

Quinoa burgers (vegan/clean eats)

Being the pescatarian that I am…I rarely ever get to eat burgers at barbeques because I’m usually the ONE person who doesn’t eat meat. I’ve never really minded it too much because I’ve never been a big burger fan but for some reason (probably because it’s summer now), I’ve been craving them. So, I decided […]

Homemade chocolates with quinoa and almonds (clean eats/vegan)

Fiesta Friday has been extra fun this week so I decided to bring another treat to share! I mean who doesn’t like chocolate every once in a while? Actually…I would fall under that category because I’m not much of a chocoholic myself but every once in a while when the hormones decide to kick in […]

Clean eats: bibimbap

Bibimbap is a traditional Korean rice dish that’s typically served warm. If you don’t already know what it is, it’s basically a bowl of warm rice topped with sauteed veggies, pepper paste and an egg. Then everything is stirred together just before eating. I love bibimbap but I don’t order it often because I don’t […]

Sushi rolls and salad rolls (clean eats)

I LOVE my sushi and salad rolls and even though they’re super easy to make at home, I’ve never really took the time to do so. Lil’ bun was craving sushi so I figured that it was about time that I start making them at home again. She likes sushi better but I enjoy my […]

Tomato cups (clean eats)

Toe-mae-toe. Toe-mah-toe. How do you say tomato? Tomatoes are funderful; fun and wonderful. They’re loaded with Vitamin A and C for your antioxidant needs and Vitamin B for your heart health. They also have chromium for regulating blood sugar levels which is especially beneficial if you’re diabetic. Although they’re high in vitamins and minerals, tomatoes […]

Quinoa salad (clean eats/vegan)

I like my spinach salads but from time to time I get tired of it and want something different so I turn to quinoa salads. Quinoa isn’t just for salads though, since it’s a grain product in itself, it can be used in place of rice for a carbohydrate. Speaking of which, not only are […]