Tag Archives: sesame

Black sesame cookies

These gluten free black sesame cookies are soft, chewy and nutty all at the same time. They’re perfect with a cup of tea but I like it best with a glass of coconut milk.

Sesame oatmeal

What better way than to start the day off with a nourishing bowl of Sesame oatmeal? The ground black sesame in these oats adds a nice touch of earthiness and nuttiness. Plus sesame is high in manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, fiber and healthy fats!

superfood cookies

Superfood breakfast cookies (vegan friendly)

Hello lovelies, long time no talk! I feel like I haven’t baked in forever because of all the final exams I’ve been writing lately… On the bright side, I’m done writing them all now and that means that it’s finally over! Well, at least for the time being because even though I finished my degree, […]

matcha sponge cake with black sesame mousse

Matcha sponge cake with black sesame mousse

Happy born day Fiesta Friday! My friends have always thought that it was strange of me to say “bornday” instead of birthday or anniversary…but I continue to do it anyways because it’s what makes me unique 🙂 Anyways, I was thinking about what to make for such a wonderful day and I came up with […]

Gyo-O again!

I feel so spoiled every time I go to Gyo-O because I get to eat such amazingly delicious food. Just thinking about all the yumminess I had the other night right now just makes me hungry all over again. We decided to get the tuna carpaccio ($6.95) because we enjoyed their scallop carpaccio so much […]

Cream puffs (matcha, nutella, black sesame, vanilla, chocolate, banana)

Cream puffs. Glorious cream puffs. How could something that looks so innocent be so difficult and technical to make? But I guess, this is what they mean when they say hard work pays off. At first, they might seem challenging because the pate a choux pastry and custard cream can go array in a blink […]

Honey walnuts (clean eats)

These are my newest candy substitutes! They’re smoky, nutty, sweet, crunchy and spicy….honeyed walnuts! Walnuts are awesome because they’re a good fat and they also help your brain function. I remember that little factoid because walnuts look a little like brains so I always remember that they’re food for mine. (: I’ve never been a […]

Japanese inspired sesame soy cookies (vegan)

It’s that time of the year again, exam season. I just made it sound like the dreaded exam season just comes around once a year, but unfortunately it doesn’t. This means that I don’t get to spend as much time with my oven as I would like. Which also means that if I want to […]