Sweet potato quinoa shepherd’s pie

sweet potato pulled pork quinoa shepherd's  pie

I had a whole bowl of leftover mashed sweet potato in my fridge after making a batch of my sweet potato buns and while I could of just eaten such deliciousness as is, I decided that I would do something more inventive with it…
by making a healthy version of shepherd’s pie!

sweet potato pulled pork quinoa shepherd's pie
I haven’t had shepherd’s pie in years and by years I mean…YEARS. Because lil’ bun had never even had shepherd’s pie before! Which means a good 8 or so years have magically flown by since the last time I had such goodness.
I mean layers of veggies and protein all topped off with carblicious potato mash AND cheese? What could be better than that?
sweet potato pulled pork quinoa shepherd's  pie
I used daiya vegan cheese for the first time when I was making this and let me just tell you, although it tasted pretty similar to dairy cheese…it just doesn’t melt the same!
sweet potato pulled pork quinoa shepherd's  pie

And underneath all that cheese, I just kept the veggies coming….

I mean look at all the goodness that’s hiding inside!
sweet potato pulled pork quinoa shepherd's  pie
Andd…this is what happens when you’re too hungry to take the time to remove your slice of deliciousness carefully…shepherd’s pie foodslide!
sweet potato pulled pork quinoa shepherd's  pie
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Ingredients (serves 4)

2 cups quinoa cooked
3 cups pulled pork or crumbled firm tofu
2/3 cup bbq sauce
2 carrots diced
2 stalks celery diced
2/3 cup frozen corn
3 medium sweet potatoes
1/2 grated cheddar cheese

Methodsweet potato pulled pork quinoa shepherd's  pie

1. Peel and dice your sweet potato into 1″ cubes. Boil the cubes in a pot until tender. Drain the potatoes and mash until creamy.

2. Toss pulled pork or crumbled tofu in with bbq sauce until evenly coated.

3. Blanch your carrots, celery and corn in water until just tender.

4. Place your bbqsweet potato pulled pork quinoa shepherd's  pie pulled pork or tofu at the bottom of a 8″ x 6″ baking dish. Add your quinoa on top and then your veggies. Top with your mashed sweet potato. Press your sweet potato on top. Sprinkle with cheese.

5. Bake at 350F for 50 – 60 minutes.


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  1. I do like your healthier version of Shepherd’s Pie, especially with sweet potatoes. I am not into tofu so I would use pork. Thanks for giving us (at least me) a new version. Happy FF 🙂


  2. I never had sheperds pie but it does sound delicious with the quinoa. I’m not a huge fan of sweet potato but could very well replace it with regular potato.
    Thanks for sharing 🙂 Happy Fiesta Friday.


    1. Shepherd’s pie is traditionally made with regular mashed potato on top and LOADS more cheese than I used. They also use peas (but lil’ bun doesn’t like them so I left them out) and ground lamb!


  3. This sounds delicious!!! I’ll so try this 🙂


  4. This looks absolutely beautiful! All those colours – what an amazing dish!


    1. Definitely eating the rainbow Ginger!


  5. Gorgeous colors and ingredients.


    1. I know, Loretta, veggies are just so beautiful!


  6. What a niice unique idea to use up leftover sweet potato. Neat! 🙂


    1. Thanks Sadia! I love repurposing left overs!


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