Tulalip Casino: Eagles buffet

After a good two and a half hour car ride, we decided to stop by the buffet at Tulalip for a quick refuel before doing some major shopping. We haven’t been here in a couple of years because we rarely go all the way down here when we go over to Washington state but we had to grab a few things for some relatives so we ended up making the trip.


They have a salad bar, various entree sections that feature different international cuisines (Chinese, Mexican, Italian, American), and even a Mongolian grill!


Heh heh and of course, they have an extensive array of desserts too!


So even though I try to eat clean most of the time I believe in moderation so typically I’ll try to make half of my plate veggies and the other half can be whatever I choose to try. I’ve never had tamales before and I tried them for the first time today. They are actually quite nice!




I got to have all the fish and roasted veggies I could possibly want today and boy did I take advantage of that!



It was so far so good and I steered clear of the desserts because I’ve never been much of a sweets fan anyways…but then….lil bun asked if I wanted to share/sample not one but TWO plates of dessert treats with her and…well..I ended up indulging. Not it’s a bad thing because moderation is key but I really shouldn’t of because desserts tend to be gluten happy since I’m gluten sensitive. It’s not as bad as having celiac but instead of feeling hyper from all the sugar I ended up feeling sleepy and drowsy right away and I didn’t feel so good for the rest of the day. Oh well, life’s about living right? One bad day isn’t going to negate all the good days I’ve been having!


Anyways, I quite liked the desserts they had here because there was a wide selection and it’s been so long since I’ve had a nice piece of moist carrot cake (I never make it because no one else I know likes it…sigh where are the carrot lovers in the world?). I really liked the sugar free banana muffin because it was perfect for me  but if you’re not used to eating sugar free it’ll probably end up tasting bland. They’re mango ginger sorbet (I snuck some off mother deer’s bowl) was absolutely delish but lil’ bun ended up picking white chocolate raspberry for hers. They also have lots of candy toppings to choose from like kitkats and mini m&ms! I never knew they had waffle bowls here but I found out that they did today but they hide it under the counter so ask for it!

Eagles Buffet on Urbanspoon


  1. How can you not like carrot cake?? I’ll come and share with you 🙂


    1. I love it too! I’m thinking of making carrot cake swiss roll with cream cheese filling one of these days or a raw carrot cake but I have yet to find a good recipe!


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