
I feel like I said this about Happy Lemon a few posts ago but Grayson’s new bubble tea interest has been Share tea as of late. So I decided to jump on the Share tea bandwagon and try them for the first time. I know it’s pretty strange that I haven’t tried this bubble tea chain by now. But I tend to lean towards specialty stores when it comes to bubble tea because I find that they usually have better quality drinks.

share tea top menu

Share tea summer drinks

While their limited edition summer fruit drinks looked enticing because it was basically fresh fruit tea with foam on top, I opted to get one of their more original creations instead…

share tea summer menu

Milk tea

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Yes, I got milk tea…how original right? They actually offer two versions of their milk tea here. One being brewed tea topped with fresh milk and the other being a powdered milk tea mix. I decided to go with the powdered milk tea version because I wasn’t in the mood for a latte and I wasn’t sure what I would be getting myself into if I got that one. The pearls were made well; slightly sweetened from the brown sugar and chewy from the tapioca. The milk tea itself had a strong tea flavor to it as well which is always a good thing too.

share tea pearl milk tea

Oolong tea with creama

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Grayson went with his usual oolong tea with crema. It’s actually their #1 top drink so I guess it makes sense it’s his favorite too. So apparently their creama is similar to the “salted cheese” toppings available at other bubble tea shops but it’s silkier in consistency. Grayson loves the one here because it’s lighter and foamier than the ones he gets at other cafes. I wish I could say more about it but it’s already advertised as the top drink so need I say more?

share tea oolong tea with cream

Quick bites

  1. Lots of drink varieties with new creations coming out every season
  2. A little pricier than specialty stand-alone shops
  3. Drinks are good quality
share tea drinks
Sharetea Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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