Adzuki red bean donuts with matcha glaze (vegan friendly)

Ahhh, it’s that time again. Matcha time. Every now and then I go mad for matcha.

I need it, I want it, and I crave it in any shape or form.

But as much as I love my matcha white chocolate cookies, matcha chia pudding, matcha redbean rolls, and matcha redbean buns, I was just in the mood for something new this time around…which meant it was off to the drawing pastry board I went!

matcha glazed red bean donuts

I made these redbean based donuts a good week ago and I still can’t get over that oh so delicious shiny matcha glaze…<3

I mean look at it, it looks like perfection.

I know that making donuts may sound intimidating to some because first you have to make the donut itself, then the glaze, and then put everything together into a neat little package, but let me tell you, these little baked donuts are no different than making a cupcake!

They’re just that easy to make!

matcha glazed red bean donuts

1. Cream the sugar and coconut oil together in a large bowl until creamy. Stir in the egg, milk and adzuki paste.

2. Sift in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix until the batter is smooth

matcha glazed red bean donuts

.3. Pour the batter into donut molds or mini muffin tins and bake at 325F for 10 – 13 minutes until golden brown.

matcha glazed red bean donuts

4. Make the glaze by mixing the powdered sugar, matcha powder and milk together until smooth. It should be quite thick.

matcha glazed red bean donuts

5. Let donuts cool completely before dipping the donuts into the glaze. Dust more matcha powder on top if you like.

matcha glazed red bean donuts

Ingredients (makes 6)

1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 milk of choice
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg (or 1 tablespoon chia seeds + 2 tablespoons water)
2 tablespoons coconut oil or butter
2/3 cup adzuki bean paste (sweetened red bean paste)

3/4 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1/2 tablespoon matcha

1. Cream the sugar and coconut oil together in a large bowl until creamy. Stir in the egg, milk and adzuki paste.

2. Sift in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix until the batter is smooth.

3. Pour the batter into donut molds or mini muffin tins and bake at 325F for 10 – 13 minutes until golden brown.

4. Make the glaze by mixing the powdered sugar, matcha powder and milk together until smooth. It should be quite thick.

5. Let donuts cool completely before dipping the donuts into the glaze. Dust more matcha powder on top if you like.

matcha glazed red bean donuts


  1. Oooh… very interesting recipe and nice looking donuts! Coming back to look at it properly when I have more time… Thanks for sharing! 🙂


  2. How cute! These look like the best Asian donuts eva!


  3. Looks wonderful! Matcha and red bean is always the best 🙂


  4. These look interesting, I do like adzuki beans and keep meaning to try them in things a bit more, maybe this will be the prompt!


  5. Anything that is Matcha is a green “GO” sign for me.. This is amazing !


    1. Haha, well green means go!


  6. A very unique recipe. Love it.


  7. […] a bunch of new matcha products out and I’m crazy for matcha (I mean just look at my recipes red bean donuts with matcha glaze, matcha white chocolate cookies, matcha chia pudding, matcha redbean rolls, and matcha redbean […]


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